Effective Spring 2023, IAU will be offering more campus classes at the IAULA Main Campus and the soon-to-be-launching IAUOC Satellite Campus.
Effective Spring 2023, IAU will be offering more campus classes at the IAULA Main Campus and the soon-to-be-launching IAUOC Satellite Campus.
IAU is excited to announce that the relocated Orange County Satellite Campus will be opening in the City of Irvine for its inaugural class in Jan 2023.
IAU is entering Nepal for international collaboration with a partner institution, Model Institute of Technology (MIT), Kathmandu.
The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), formerly the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA), is an independent statutory body to provide authoritative advice on academic standards of degree programmes in higher education institutions in Hong Kong.
IAU has established a new Affiliate Support Center (ASC), Learnkey Institute, Malta to help expand IAU’s online footprint. Malta is an island country in the European Union consisting of an archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea, and considered part of Southern Europe.
Effective Fall 2022, IAU will adopt a traditional semester calendar. Since inception, IAU has operated on a trimester calendar starting in January and ending December. Effective Fall 2022, IAU’s semester academic Calendar will start in September and end in August.
Founded in 1951, AAMIDEAST is a leading American nonprofit organization engaged in international education, training, and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. AMIDEAST believes that self-forged, fulfilled lives lead to understanding, mutual respect, and a more peaceful, productive world.
SABI University, part of Learntura Group, is an online private higher education institute which was established about 14 years ago. SABI provides high-quality education to professionals from different parts of the world who wish to develop their knowledge and explore new areas during these years.
The State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) is a unit of the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) charged with regulation of private postsecondary educational institutions operating in the state of California. Every few years the BPPE conducts an Announced Compliance Inspection on Approved institutions.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement released Frequently Asked Questions for SEVP Stakeholders about COVID-19 on April 18, 2022. In light of this update, IAU will submit a procedural change plan to SEVP.