Vladislav Vasilev


2023 Professor of the Year & Student of the Year

In a tribute to academic distinction, IAU proudly announces Dr. Joseph Siegmund as the Professor of the Year 2023 and Md Faisal Ahmed as the Student of the Year.  

Website Revamp!

IAU is proud to announce its newly revamped website. Mark your calendars!

New Faculty Appointments – Program Chair & Director of Assessment and Research

Dr. Amanda Kenderes, who has served as Program Chair, General Education since 2018, has transitioned to the role of Director of Assessment and Research.

Collaborative Partnership with L.A. Vocational Institute

Established in 2000, L.A. Vocational Institute (LAVI) has a long history of providing quality, student-focused programs in allied health. LAVI is approved to offer short course programs in Phlebotomy Technician, Medical Assistant, EKG, Pharmacy Technician, and Physical Therapy Aid.

San Diego Satellite Campus Relocates

IAU is overjoyed to share the relocation of the San Diego Satellite Campus (IAUSD)! IAU’s commitment to providing quality education and expanding opportunities for our students has led to this exciting endeavor.  

Nepal International Satellite Campus Approved

Nepal International Satellite Campus Approved

IAU was active in Nepal between 2009-2015 with over 2,000 students between three affiliated colleges. IAU was the first American institution to enter into the Nepal market and the first to introduce online learning on a mass scale. 

ACBSP Candidacy

The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is pleased to announce that IAU is a candidate for ACBSP accreditation of its business programs and for separate accreditation of its accounting program.

VA/GI Bill Approval

Our veterans have served us proudly and now we can return favor. IAU is now approved for the VA/GI Bill! It has long been a goal of the University to have the opportunity to give our military service people the benefits that they deserve.

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