Here you can find a list of fees and make a payment with a credit or debit card. More information can be found below on alternative payment options including PayPal, bank wire, in person or by mail. Contact IAU at (213) 262-3939 or email at if you have questions on making payments.
Try our NEW touch-free way to pay via PayPal!
Use a credit or debit card to pay for any of the items below by clicking the item and adding it to your shopping cart. When checking out please type in the student name and number in the comment box. All prices are listed in U.S. dollars.
Students may use an electronic funds transfer. IAU is not responsible for any bank fees charged by either bank when using an electronic funds transfer. Contact for IAU’s bank account information.
To pay in person, IAU accepts cash, check, cashier’s check, or money order. Returned checks are subject to a $50 returned check fee.
Make checks payable to: International American University.
Include the student name and student ID number on the front of all checks.
To pay by mail, send your check to:
Attn: Office of Student Finance
International American University
3440 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #1000
Los Angeles, CA 90010